


I’m Pavel Cherkashin. I’m in tech for almost all my life. I began my career as an analyst, then continued as a project manager, Head of IT, Chief Technology Officer and CEO,  founded FamilyNotes – a mobile app for taking photonotes. 

I’m passionate about developing cutting-edge technologies and products, helping companies to grow and evolve, and finding new ways to use modern technologies. I have a strong technical background and know how to turn ideas into reality, with the help of creative problem solving and exceptional communication skills. I strive to stay ahead of the curve and am constantly looking for ways to stay current. With a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed, I am an asset to any team.


FamilyNotes – is a mobile application for taking and sharing photo notes. It’s available for both platforms – IOS and Android, so, you could find it in App Store and Google Play as well.

StartupServices – is a knowledge base for aspiring entrepreneurs and founders so that they could use it and offered to contribute to it as well. Now there are more than 1000 useful services, programs and utilities in the StratupServices database to solve a variety of tasks that may arise when you start a startup.

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