Magic Fables

AI-powered Animated fairy tales for Kids

In a home bustling with the laughter and boundless imagination of three children, the idea for “Magic Fables” was born. As a parent, I watched in wonder as each bedtime story fueled their dreams, sparking a vision to blend traditional storytelling with the magic of modern technology. Thus, “Magic Fables” came to life — a digital realm where stories transcend the boundaries of pages, crafted not just for my children, but for families everywhere.

Inspiration: Nestled in the heart of our family’s daily routine, “Magic Fables” was inspired by the nightly ritual of storytime with my children. This project is more than just an app; it’s a bridge connecting the timeless tradition of storytelling with the future, making every tale an interactive journey.

Solution: Harnessing the power of OpenAI’s text generation, Stable Diffusion’s image creation, and Eleven Labs’ voice synthesis, “Magic Fables” is where technology meets imagination. Each story is dynamically brought to life with AI-generated text, illustrations that capture the essence of adventure, and voices that tell tales in a way that feels both epic and intimate.

Bringing Magic to Life: Hosted on Vercel for its robust performance, “Magic Fables” offers a seamless experience across devices. With a focus on interactive engagement, the app invites children and parents alike to choose their adventures, create characters, and even influence story outcomes. It’s an ever-evolving world of tales where every visit unveils new wonders.

In developing “Magic Fables,” I aimed to encapsulate the joy and creativity that fill our home every evening. It’s a project born from love, laughter, and the little moments that remind us of the power of stories. As my family embarks on these digital adventures together, it’s my hope that “Magic Fables” becomes a part of your family’s story too.

Explore the enchantment awaiting at Magic Fables and let the journey of imagination begin.


Preserving Precious Memories with a Digital Canvas

In the whirlwind of daily life, the spontaneous bursts of creativity from our children often bloom and fade away unnoticed. With crayons in hand, they sketch their dreams and stories, leaving behind a trail of vibrant artworks that are the windows to their imagination. Recognizing the fleeting nature of these moments and the clutter of physical papers, my wife and I sought a solution that not only preserves these precious memories but also celebrates them. Thus, “FamilyNotes” was born.

The Spark: Surrounded by the countless drawings and doodles of our children, the idea for “FamilyNotes” emerged from a desire to keep their art forever organized and accessible. As parents, we yearned for a way to capture the essence of their creativity, to hold onto their childhood as it swiftly passes by. This app was our answer to keeping their artistry alive, long after the paper fades.

Crafting the Solution: Venturing into the world of app development with Flutter in 2020, I embarked on a journey to learn and create simultaneously. Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities allowed us to design “FamilyNotes” as a versatile app that acts as a digital canvas and archive for our children’s artwork. It’s a platform where each stroke of genius is stored, categorized, and cherished.

A Family Collaboration: What sets “FamilyNotes” apart is the heart and soul poured into it by our entire family. It’s not just an app; it’s a testament to our children’s creativity, a project fueled by my and my wife’s dedication to preserving our family’s memories. Hosted with a focus on simplicity and ease of use, “FamilyNotes” invites families everywhere to embark on a journey of artistic discovery and memory-making.

As we shared our story and the genesis of “FamilyNotes” on Medium, it became clear that this project transcends the boundaries of a mere app. It’s a new habit, a ritual that brings order to the chaos of phone media, turning fleeting moments into everlasting memories.

Discover the joy of memory-keeping with “FamilyNotes” at, and join us in turning every child’s artistic journey into a timeless treasure.

Units Converter

Simplifying Everyday Calculations

Problem Solved: Transitioning from Ukraine to the USA introduced challenges in adapting to different measurement systems for everyday tasks. My wife and I faced difficulties in conversions for shopping, cooking, and navigation, which are crucial for a smooth cultural and lifestyle adjustment.

Solution: To address this, I developed the Units Converter app, a user-friendly tool that accurately converts various units of measurement (currency, distance, volume, etc.) to streamline these daily calculations. It’s designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, ensuring ease of use for anyone facing similar challenges.

Delivery & Personal Touch: This project, developed with React and Next.js, not only serves a practical purpose in our daily lives but also showcases my technical skills in creating solutions that have a real-world impact. It’s a testament to how technology can assist in personal transitions and adaptability. Hosted on Vercel, the app benefits from high availability and optimal performance, making it accessible to anyone in need of quick and accurate unit conversions.

Developing this application for my wife and myself after our move from Ukraine to the USA was a rewarding experience that highlighted the importance of technology in overcoming everyday challenges. It’s a project that stands as a practical solution born out of personal need, and I’m eager to tackle more challenges that blend technical skills with real-life applications.

Todo App

The Holy Grail of Developer Initiations

In the grand tradition of software development, where every coder worth their salt has ventured into the sacred realm of creating a Todo App, I present mine — not because the world needs another one, but because it’s the unwritten rule of the developer’s journey. Akin to a knight embarking on a quest to slay the dragon, a developer must forge their Todo App. Here’s mine, in all its glory:

The Age-Old Problem: In a world teeming with chaos, where forgetting to buy milk can lead to a breakfast disaster, and missing a deadline can unleash the Kraken, how does one keep their ducks in a row? Fear not, for I have ventured into these treacherous waters and emerged with a solution.

A Knight’s Solution: Armed with React, a sprinkle of sarcasm, and a dash of humor, I crafted the mightiest of weapons — a Todo App. Not just any app, but a beacon of hope for those brave souls daring to organize their lives amidst the relentless onslaught of tasks and reminders.

Delivering with a Flourish: Hosted on the digital shores of Vercel, where speed meets reliability, this app doesn’t just let you list your tasks; it allows you to command them with the ferocity of a dragon slayer. Add, check off, or banish tasks into the void with but a click, all while chuckling at the absurdity that we, as a collective body of developers, continue to populate the internet with more Todo Apps.

In creating this app primarily for the amusement of myself and fellow developers, I’ve not only paid homage to the tradition but also added a layer of humor to an otherwise mundane task. Visit Todo App to witness this marvel — a testament to the fact that while we may not be able to escape the inevitability of Todo Apps in our portfolios, we can certainly have a laugh about it.

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